Top Rope BeltsWhen Randy of Top Rope Belts approached me about a new website I was excited. Top Rope Belts is a championship belt making company. They produce some of if not the finest belts in the business. The new site was a chance to build upon a tried and method business model that has worked for them for the last few years.

The old site had an interactive form that let users select what options they would like on their belt and a gallery for users to browse. The new site takes this method a step further and it does it in flash. Users are now able to actually draw out ideas for their belts and submit them as quote requests. There is also a 3d photo gallery that lets them browse nearly every belt the company has made (hundreds). If you have have a minute or two head on over and check it out.

The flash version of this site is no longer available but many of the features were carried over to the new WordPress version of the site.

YogaPress – a WordPress mega theme

yogapressInspired by Yoga for Life, YogaPress is a WordPress theme with options galore. Users can customize many parts of their site without any programming skills. YogaPress was designed to be a page style website with a full featured blog. Plenty of javascript eye-candy and interaction keeps users engaged while making the site enjoyable to navigate.

Lava Lacerta Dugesii

lizard_cardA few weeks ago Annikka from Orchid Gifts Madeira contacted me about a limited edition piece of jewelry they would be offering. I was commisioned to design the card backing for theseĀ  necklaces made from Madeira’s natural beauty. The pendant is lava carved into the shape of lacerta dugesii, Madeira’s only known indigenous reptile.

Orchid Gifts Madeira – Full Page Ad

The Orchid Gifts of MadeiraLately I have been working with Annikka at Orchid Gifts Madeira (OGM). They have some of the most unique and beautiful jewelry I have seen. As the name suggests (OGM) produces pendants, earrings, and other jewels from Madeira’s flowers and other natural resources.

This is a full page (size A4) ad to be used in an information guides for tourists and will be placed in hotels. There are 4 versions of the ad; English, Finnish, Danish, and English and Finnish together. The version pictured left is one that will be framed in a plaque. The empty space at the top will hold a real sample of the jewelry sold at The Orchid Gifts of Madeira.